Zach Pine Nature Sculpture - Event Heading

Albany Beach Cleanup and Free Sand Globe Workshop

Sunday, January 20, 2019 (Note: this date was postponed from 1/5 due to weather)
1pm-3pm (arrive anytime)
Albany Beach, Albany California

An RSVP on the Facebook event page would be a big help!
(but no worries if you're not on facebook).

Join us for the first Albany Landfill Dog Owners Group (ALDOG) beach cleanup of 2019, and a free public sand globe workshop on Albany Beach.

Our February, 2016 event brought in 300 lbs of trash and 80 lbs of recyclables, and people of all ages learned to make sand globes then had a great time making beach sculptures and creating globe-tossing games.

I invented my technique for making sand globes in 2000, and have taught over a thousand people how to make them. In five minutes I can teach the basic technique; it usually takes beginners about ten minutes to make a grapefruit-sized globe. The process of making them feels great, and combining beach cleanup with globe-making evokes a wonderful feeling of environmental and social connection.

At this event, I'll teach everyone in sight to make sand globes (and encourage them to teach others!) Then, as in all my collaborative art-with-nature events, we'll create a spontaneously evolving art installation on the beach. Some of us will make moving creations with people and globes. Non-globe creativity involving sand and people is also encouraged of course!

For more information about sand globes, see Sand Globes Worldwide.

For the beach cleanup, bring your own buckets and gloves or use ours. Sieves are very handy for screening the tiny, nasty stuff.

See this map. Parking is free on Buchanan Street, or park for one dollar in the Golden Gate Fields lot adjacent to the beach. Bike racks available too.

NOTE: this is an off-leash dog beach.

Arrive anytime and join in.

This event is in collaboration with the East Bay Regional Park District and Love the Bulb. Thanks to The Natural Grocery Company for donated refreshments.

ALDOG is a California Coastal Commission Adopter of Albany Beach and a project of PIDO, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

A Samavesha Community Program event.

Links: Albany Landfill Dog Owners Group (ALDOG) -- Love the Bulb -- Zach Pine Nature Sculpture -- East Bay Regional Park District -- Samavesha -- The Natural Grocery Company